Play the game on web here -> TwinSaga (Play in full screen for better experience)

Play as two brothers who share unique abilities in this platformer/shooter game. One controls fire and other controls ice. Kill demons who are wrecking havoc and save the world. 

Theme - Cold & Hot
Game takes this theme and applies it across player, enemy, attacks from player and enemy and the platforms in the game. Player can turn into Fire/Ice twin depending on whether he'standing on Fire/Ice platform. His weapons also change when he switches the form. 

There are two types of enemy, you can say Fire and Ice types. Fire type enemies shoots fire balls, and ice type shoots Ice stars both of which can harm the player anytime. Neat part is fire enemies can only be defeated by ice type attacks, and ice enemy can be defeated by fire type attacks. 

Limitation: no-text 
Instead of relying on text descriptions or visuals, game uses various icons or sprites to represent a particular state/thing to user. This can be seen in how menu is shown when player dies/wins/game is paused. 


1. Use left and right arrow keys to move the player.
2. Pressing left/right/top/bottom arrow keys shifts your aim in that direction.
3. Press space to jump.
4. Press shift to fire.
5. Press escape to pause.

Assets in the game:
Graphical assets, audio in the game were taken from

Src code:


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Well done! It is possible to expand on this concept and create more puzzling levels. The enemies can also be made to have varying intelligence. Like they can have a limited visibility and range. This will allow the players to take a pause and think why they want to attack first.

Also, would be good to add links to the original source of the assets. Since they are free to use, the least we can do is give credits and direct more people to the original work.


Thanx :D yah, the levels are quite a few😅 I just spent most time with getting mechanics right and graphical details right so didn't got time to add more levels. Still wanted to make those few levels easy to grasp and gradually increase in difficulty, but I think the enemies are quite difficult here. Even I wasn't able to defeat em easily😂 Limiting visibility and range is great idea. 

yah, gonna add those asset links today. Game wouldn't have looked half as good without em🙏